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Re: What to do about the SPF domain name

2005-07-28 19:42:10


In <MHEGIFHMACFNNIMMBACAGELGKBAA(_dot_)sethg(_at_)GoodmanAssociates(_dot_)com> 
"Seth Goodman" <sethg(_at_)GoodmanAssociates(_dot_)com> writes:

From: wayne
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:16 PM


So, we now have 7 of the 8 open-?spf.{org,com,net,info} domains.  It
is only openspf.org that is missing, and James *did* promise in his
last email to transfer it over, so we have a verbal contract which is
worth all bits it was written on.  ;-)

I know James to be a man of his word, so those are pretty good bits.  Since
he already transferred some of the DNS to you, it's clear he intends to give
it to you.

That's what I've been telling people who ask for several weeks now.
However, at some point this needs to end.  Based on the responses so
far, I would say that people are willing to wait a little longer, but
not forever, and just skipping the openspf.org domain seems reasonable.

            I _do_ know that he's incredibly busy with work and life at the
moment and is not very available for much else.  I've been there, and I'm
sure you have, too.  Though it may be annoying, it's not really a matter for
this public forum.

Well, yeah, I can understand that to a degree.  However, I've twice
sent him step-by-step instructions about what he needs to do and I
think it would only take maybe 5-10 minutes to do.  Has James really
been so busy for the last 2+ weeks that he hasn't had 5-10 minutes to
spare?  I doubt it.  

If you think it would help, could you contact James and see what's up?

Oh, I've been informed that the phone numbers in the whois data for
6o4.ca and libspf.org are both non-functional.  He might want to know
that also.

The important thing is that the SPF community, and you specifically, will
have control over the domain that was everyone's favorite.  It's fortunate
that James thought ahead and snapped up a series of likely domain names
before parties unfriendly to SPF could do so.  I'd say we collectively owe
him some thanks for that.

I think you mean John Pinkerton rather than James here.  John was the
one who bought all the other domains and he has been very helpful in
getting the name servers set up and working correctly and then
transfering them.
