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Re: [spf-discuss] Spamassasin and its strange HELO/EHLO SPF checking code

2006-02-02 20:03:59
On 02/02/2006 9:50 PM, william(at)elan.net wrote:

I was looking at spamassasin code today and noticed the following in its

  if ($ishelo) {
    dbg ("SPF: checking HELO (helo=$helo, ip=$ip)");
    if ($helo !~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
      # get rid of hostname part of domain, understanding delegation
      $helo = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::RegistrarBoundaries::trim_domain
    dbg ("SPF: trimmed HELO down to '$helo'");
   } else {
    $sender = $lasthop->{envfrom};

This really does not look like appropriate HELO checking code to me as they appear to be trying to guess HELO domain (to find its SPF record)
without even attempting to check if SPF record for actual HELO host

Any comments if we its appropriate to let them know to change this
and how?

This would be code from 3.0.x. The code was, apparently, written before the SPF draft included HELO checking.

In any case, 3.1.x checks the full HELO domain, and has for 8 months:

Revision 179477  - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Modified Thu Jun 2 01:04:03 2005 UTC (8 months ago) by jm
File length: 13808 byte(s)
Diff to previous 162095 (colored)

bug 3859: change SPF HELO check to match standard definition; check the exact hostname provided in the HELO command, instead of the domain part of that hostname only.



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