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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Bounce-Spam and SPF-Ignorant ISPs - it is time to retaliate?

2006-02-06 11:12:47
On Mon, 6 Feb 2006, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

In that case, B rejected, not bounced, the SPF FAIL.  Of course 
A should bounce any rejections from the next hop.  I'm talking
about when B in the above scenario accepts the mail, then sends 
a DSN to sender after discovering belatedly (via late SPF check)
that it should have rejected it after all.  

Since MFROM signing effectively alleviates the bounce spam problem, I suppose
it is not critical enough to warrant dictating receiver policy in the RFC.
Sure is annoying, though. 

              Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
    Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
"Confutatis maledictis, flamis acribus addictis" - background song for
a Microsoft sponsored "Where do you want to go from here?" commercial.

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