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[spf-discuss] Re: Appeal of the IESG decision to publish draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2006-02-08 16:58:32
Julian Mehnle wrote:

let's hope something good comes out of it.

Yes, if not for us at least for others. 
I should probably crawl under a rock now and not come out
for a week

While you might do that I've updated my copy of the appeal
at <http://purl.net/xyzzy/home/test/senderid-appeal.htm>
and reported it in the <http://purl.net/xyzzy/-rss> news
and submitted it to Heise.  

The 8th IAB appeal in the history of the Internet, film(_at_)11
to be published at <http://www.iab.org/appeals/index.html>

                    Bye, Frank

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