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[spf-discuss] Re: Fw: SRS vs BATV

2006-02-21 06:55:42
paddy wrote:

250 OK
RCPT TO: <dwmw2(_at_)infradead(_dot_)org>

I've previously assumed that would be fine

IMHO it _is_ fine - assuming that he uses BATV for _all_
reverse paths mentioning infradead.org addresses.

CBV has no valid reason to verify any 2822 header fields,
CBV verifies "yes or no, could I bounce if I must later".
If that's not the case the reverse path is bogus.

Anyone trying to check an 822 address like this (rightly or
wrongly) is going to get the wrong answer (I'd say it serves
them right, but these thing can be dificult to explain to
other people sometimes).

That's no "wrong" answer, you cannot auto-reply MAIL FROM:<>
RCTP TO user(_at_)infradead(_dot_)  Pretending that this might work as
long as there's no DATA makes no sense.  If they'd wait until
DATA spammers could verify 2822-addresses at infradead.org :-(

Do you care ;)

If memory serves this is the first time I agree with David
about anything.  <gd&r>  Seriously, if you want VRFY use it,
CBV is a different beast.
                         Bye, Frank

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