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Re: [spf-discuss] Mail Forwarding Question

2006-02-27 17:57:47
On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:40:44 -0500 John Kelly <jak(_at_)isp2dial(_dot_)com> 
On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 19:23 -0500, Scott Kitterman 

SPF has complexities galore that are an impediment to adoption, but there 
are enough people checking SPF that since I adopted it, my forged bounce 
problem (and by implication forgery of my domain) has to almost nothing.

And the spammers just move on to forging domains without SPF records.

Yes, but they aren't mine.  That's a victory.

It is now pretty common in my mail stream to see phishing e-mails with an 
obscure mail from and 
the phishing target in the body.  Clearly SPF is having an impact on bad guy 

There is no solution to e-mail forgery that doesn't break something.  SPF 
is a good solution for now.

I don't know yet, whether the breakage is worth the benefit.  I'll
have to gather more evidence.

In my opinion it's clearly worth it for me.  Some will reasonably come to a 

For someone who has a domain that isn't just run off a dedicated MTA by a very 
admin, it's the only game in town these days to fight forgery of your 

Scott K.

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