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Re: [spf-discuss] throwaway domains and whois

2008-10-14 02:46:22
Scott Kitterman wrote:
This one isn't free, but maybe something like this would help:


Given that Stuart wrote:
Each freshly registered domain has a valid and reasonable SPF record.
All identical - usually "v=spf1 a -all", and all such spam is SPF pass.

SPF-wise, to block domains that are newer than 5 days looks like the perfect answer. However, I still don't know why spammers stop using domains after a few days. I recall finding that spammers domain had been shut down within a few days; however, that was from manual lookups so I have no statistically relevant data. Is that due to individual providers' initiative, possibly driven by users' complaints, or are there some more structured mechanisms that operate within those 5 days?


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