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multiple <xsl:output/>'s in one stylesheet?

2002-10-28 18:51:07
I've got one stylesheet that creates multiple output text files (via 
subclassing Saxon's Emitter).  Some of those files now need to be in a 
different output format, html.  I noticed that in the XSLT Prog. Ref. that it 
said the <xsl:output/> element, "may appear any number of times in a 
stylesheet".  It's also a top-level element.  I'm trying to determine how I 
should be using the output element given my situation.

1) do multiple outputs actually format the output differently in different 
parts of the stylesheet, or is only one of them used, e.g. the first or the last

2) if multiple outputs do format different parts of the stylesheet differently, 
what are the rules of usage?

3) if i can't output multiple formats from the same stylesheet, will using 
<xsl:output method="html"/> for the text output mess anything up as long as 
there isn't any html in the text?  (i'm guessing no)

4) since all the output will take place within an <xsl:document 
method="MyEmitterClass"/> does any of this matter or does the document element 
somehow negate the output tag


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