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RE: Functional Language wasRE: Re: declarative language, need for loops etc.

2002-10-18 05:17:56

Of course Phil W has come up with a brilliant plan to solve the problem
XSLT being the most ugly: Devise XML Query which will easily take that
particular burden from XSLT...
so that was the plan?

I've always had a problem with the concept of ugliness in a programming
language, to me it seems like a language can be said to approach beauty
when the mechanics of the language become transparent(for one, thus
beauty being in the eye of the beholder). This may be easier with a
less-verbose language but I don't think necessarily that verbosity is
what stands in the way.

In fact in some cases terseness in a language I consider to stand in the
way of beauty.

This is why I think for example that Perl and C++ can not be beautiful
languages, at least not to me, because the ability to make one's
statements so terse as to be almost indecipherable makes it difficult to
comprehend the mechanism of the individual program.

Okay, I failed all my other classes but "Arguing Program aesthetics 101"
was my strong point. :(

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