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Cannot Access Attribute with colon

2002-10-16 06:54:45
Hi All, 

I have xml similar to the following:
                                <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="btCommBronze" targetfile="btccomxx">Bronze Schedule</link>

I need to access the values of the xlink:show and xlink:href attributes,
unfortunately using '@xlink:show' does not work, (ie <xsl:value-of
select="@xlink:show"/>) it doesnt seem to like the colon ' :'   

I dont know if this is of any use but the dtd contains the following for the
link element:

<!ENTITY % linkAttrs 'xmlns:xlink    CDATA       #FIXED
                xlink:type  (simple)    #FIXED "simple" 
                targetfile CDATA #REQUIRED
                xlink:show   (new | replace )   "replace" 
                xlink:href      CDATA           #REQUIRED '>

<!ATTLIST link

Any ideas?

Thanks a million


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