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How can I get the XPATH of the current node ?

2002-10-10 11:59:57

First of all, thanks a lot to J?rg for pointing me to the Muenchian 
method.Relentlessly learning.

I have another question : I would like to get the Xpath value of the current 
node. I am done some homework and tried this method suggested by Jeni Tennison 

? To get an XPath that's guaranteed to be unique, you need to use the index of 
the element within its parent rather than its attributevalues. An easy way is 
to use recursion with the ancestor-or-self axis:

  <xsl:for-each select="ancestor-or-self::*">
    <xsl:text />/<xsl:value-of select="name()" />
    <xsl:text />[<xsl:number />]<xsl:text />


Jeni ?

Unfortunately, this does not print any number between the square brackets (with 
Xalan). I thought of adding value="position()", but this would be the position 
within this context (the for-each), not very useful.

Any suggestion to solve what would be useful debugging information (in my case) 



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