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Re: Clarify Add an element to the result xml document

2002-10-08 10:44:17
Hello Lynda,

then it's easy:

<xsl:template match="MessageID">
  <!-- here the copy template is applied only to possible attributes -->
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
      <!-- here the copy template is applied to attributes and nodes -->
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>



LVanvleet(_at_)newark(_dot_)com wrote:
To clarify what I need.
This is source XML:

                <!-- one MessageID element -->

This is what I need the result to look like:

                <!-- nested MessageID elements -->

The Solution from Michael Kay that follows duplicated the MessageID and
<xsl:template match="MessageID">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<!-- and again... -->
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>

The Solutions from Joerg adds a <MessageID/> element in place of the child
<xsl:template match="MessageID">

The burning question is why do I want this.  We receive E-Procurement orders
in xCBL, cXML, etc.  We set up mapping in NetFish to our order response and
back-end.  When we start a new element map in NetFish (now Iona E2A
Integrator) we repeat element tags to show repeating groups of elements.

Thanks again for your help - I have tried so many ways to solve this without
manually adding the tags.

Lynda Van Vleet

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