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RE: xsl:value-of inside an html tag

2002-10-02 13:43:28
[Matt MacDougall]

I'm trying to build a dynamic link by having the href 
attribute set to <xsl:value-of 
select="/page/results/prevnext/@prevresult"/> ... so I would 
have something like <a href="<xsl:value-of 
... obviously that's not going to work though.
 Is there another way to do this that actually resolves the 
href rather than printing it out?

This is a FAQ and just came up again earlier.  Use attribute value
templates -

<a href='{/page/results/prevnext/@prevresult}'>.....</a>


Tom P

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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