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RE: showing column headers in multipage pdf

2003-04-29 12:27:33
Hey Mark,

You need to create table headers for the table.

<fo:table-header font-size="8pt" font-family="sans-serif"
    <fo:table-row display-align="after">
       <fo:table-cell padding-top="1pt"><fo:block text-align="left"
          Column Name


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ivs [mailto:markivs2003(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 3:17 PM
To: XSL-List(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] showing column headers in multipage pdf

Using xsl fo I generate a multiple page pdf which
basically has a long table with hundreds of rows.
Right now the table column headers show up only in the
first page. But I want it to show up in every page.
How do I do that ?

Any help on this will be appricated.


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