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RE: WG: frames?

2003-04-29 07:43:58

  Take a look at the code :-)

If you mean the code of the chunk-stylesheet, so i tried to 
ask in this list for help after i look at this and my 
attempts to do it fails...

Perhaps a better place to ask might be the docbook mailing list.
See http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/mailinglist/

Either try website, which can be used with frames,
or start from scratch, or don't use docbook.

I have to use the docbook.

Website is a clean subset of docbook, developed for websites,
http://www.nwalsh.com/ is framed and uses website.
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=21935 for stylesheet
 In the last few weeks i port the 
old word documentation to the docbook and then customize the 
Stylesheets for print with FOP and now i try to get 
acceptable documentation as html. So it is already too much 
time invested in this affair i can't say, that we schould use 
somithing other than docbook...

Why specify the frames approach then if you are short of time?
website does a fair job.

It would be nice, if you can give me the tipps in which way i 
can start this customization or another ressources, where 
somebody already done something like this.

website is the nearest finished option. 
You've been given a starting point,
the rest is up to you.

regards DaveP


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