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Re: Selecting text bisected by child nodes.

2003-04-22 12:24:31

Gan Uesli Starling asked:

I have a node <foo> which has one or more
child nodes. Those child nodes often
bisect the text of <foo>, thus...


My question is, how can I select just the 'DEF'
from <foo>?

Or, baring that, how can I select 'ABCDEF'
sans the child nodes. Always when I use
'select="node()" inside of <foo> the 'DEF'
gets lost.

Jeff Kenton answered:
Try selecting foo/text(). This will ignore your x-y-z children, but get ABC and DEF.
Hm, doesn't work in either Mozilla 1.3 or Xalan-J. It
still always loses the DEF. Let me abandon the sample
example for an actual example.

An actual XML node is like this...

<op>pow(<in>2.0, -3</in>)</op>

...in which the ABC corresponds to 'pow(' and
the DEF corresponds to ')'.

To experiment, I simplified my actual template all the
way down to just this...

  <xsl:template match="op">
      <xsl:value-of select="op/text()"/>

The select="op/text()" lost ALL of the text, but
"../op/text()" and "node()" got as much as
the 'pow(' but still lost the ')'




 Mistera Sturno - Rarest Extinct Bird

 <(+)__       Gan Uesli Starling
  ((__/)=-    Kalamazoo, MI, USA
    ++        http://starling.us

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