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Re: A Question **TO** XSLT Newbies

2003-04-21 11:16:32
For me a big light-turning-on moment was when I understood that XPath creates it's own scope inside the expression, that is different from the scope in the outside XSLT code.

I say "scope" because the word "context" didn't mean much to me as a procedural programmer. I still think scope makes more sense, but I never see it used in the literature about xslt in this ... context.


On Monday, April 21, 2003, at 02:08  PM, Andrew Watt wrote:

Interesting. Have you any idea why you find it hard? I know that may seem a stupid question, but have you reached a stage on some aspects of XPath where a light has gone and you can say "I wish I had seen/understood that at the beginning"?

If you or others who find XPath hard care to share what it is that you find hard it would help those of us on list who try to write learning materials.

www.simonwoodside.com -- 99% Devil, 1% Angel

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