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RE: Sort by date

2003-04-16 02:20:35
I need to sort records in my XSL stylesheet descending by 
date (i.e. newest
date first).

The problem is that the dates are in a text field in 
localized form, i.e.

<date>24. April 2003</date>

I have no clue how to approach this or if it will be possible at all.

<xsl:sort data-type="number" select="concat(substring-after(substring-after(., 
' '), ' '), format-number(document('')/*/x:months/month[(_at_)name = 
substring-before(substring-after(current(), ' '), ' ')]/@number, '00'), 
format-number(substring-before(., '.'), '00'))" />


  <month name="January" number="1" />
  <month name="February" number="2" />
  <month name="March" number="3" />
  <month name="April" number="4" />
  <month name="May" number="5" />
  <month name="June" number="6" />
  <month name="July" number="7" />
  <month name="August" number="8" />
  <month name="September" number="9" />
  <month name="October" number="10" />
  <month name="November" number="11" />
  <month name="December" number="12" />

as a top-level element in your stylesheet.


Jarno - Velvet Acid Christ: Psycho

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