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Re: How to render TEI <div*>s with chapter-like pagination?

2003-04-13 09:00:07
--- "James J. Ramsey" <jjramsey_6x9eq42(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com>

What I want to do is
collect the siblings following one top-level <div*>
but preceding the next top-level <div*> so that I
could, for example, render them within the page
sequence containing the contents of the <div> that
preceded them.

Replying to myself, here, sort of, but also asking
another question.

For now, I'll assume that div1 and divGen are the
top-level <div*>s. Given that, would

<xsl:template match="div1">
<!-- start page sequence and do stuff -->
or following-sibling::divGen or
following-sibling::div1[1]/following-sibling::* or
<!-- end page sequence -->

do what I hope it will, which is render within the
page sequence containing the <div1> the following
siblings of the current div1 that are not also div1's,
divGen's, or the following siblings of the next div1
or divGen?

If this works but is slow, is there a way to optimize?

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