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How to render TEI <div*>s with chapter-like pagination?

2003-04-09 15:38:01
I have been trying to customize Sebastian Rahtz's
stylesheets for converting TEI to XSL-FO, and I have
been trying to figure out how to get top-level <div*s>
(that is, top-level subdivisions marked by <div0>,
<div1>, or the <div> tag) to render like
standard-issue chapters, with the page header
suppressed and the page number at the bottom (often
centered). The trouble is that it is more complicated
than just turning "<div> . . . </div>" to
"<fo:page-sequence>  . . . </fo:page-sequence>". The
following is a snippet of valid TEI:

<!-- Nearly arbitrary content, paragraphs and such -->
<!-- Some content -->
<!-- Not so arbitrary content, but some tags, like
<milestone/>, can go here. -->
<!-- More content. -->

If it weren't for the fact that <body>'s children
could be more than just <div*>s, I'd have an easier
time of this.

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