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xsl templates, Removing spurious namespace declarations in output elements

2003-04-08 10:43:29
I require as final output an XML file without any use of namespaces.  The
input data does make use of namespaces, although this is part of a multiple
pass operation and I have elements which don't use namespaces by this stage.
I wish to copy some of these elements without changing them, and have tried,
for example

<xsl:template match="Attribute">
   <xsl:copy-of select="current()"/>

The template copies the elements as required, except that I get spurious
namespace declarations such as "xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml"; in
the output (as attributes on the "Attribute" output element), even though
the xsl:stylesheet specifically excludes them (using
exclude-result-prefixes).  How do I get rid of them?  My guess is that,
since I'm trying to copy an element without a namespace it is assuming that
any could apply, but in this case none do (the output uses a DTD).  I also
get namespace declarations from the input file, not mentioned by the style
sheet, and I wish to exclude these as well, without making the stylesheet
depend upon these.

Thank you,

Tim Wilkins

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