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Re: Embedding fonts in PDF files

2003-04-07 10:46:55
Some possible tips to get it work:

  *. Generate the metric XML file with the -ttcname to use this ID
     later in the FO file.
  *. Configure the <FOP_HOME>/config/userconfig.xml
  *. Ensure your FOP.SH script uses this configuration file:
       -c <path-to-conf>

That's all :)

El lun, 07-04-2003 a las 17:38, Rob Campbell escribió:
What are the issues related to embedding custom font sets in a pdf file
using the Apache FOP?

We seem to be able to produce the font metric XML file, but are battling to
get it to work.

Even if it is all possible does anyone have any comments on the possible
disadvantages of embedding fonts when producing PDF files using XSL/FOP?

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

Ricardo Borillo Domenech
Programació - Servei d'Informàtica
Universitat Jaume I

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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