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Output based on the existence of a particular piece of data in a list

2003-04-07 08:38:36
I've got the following incoming XML:

<AC:validateAcctngCodeResponse xmlns:AC="AcctngActivityWS">
        <StatusText>Document has no errors.</StatusText>
        <StatusText>Document has no errors.</StatusText>
        <StatusText>Order 78960 does not exist</StatusText>

I need to make my output based on the existence of a <Status> tag with
"Error".  So, in the case above I want to have:
      <message type="error">
         <description>Order 78960 does not exist</description>

Whereas if there were no errors in the incoming document, I would have

I haven't been able to figure out what I need to use to make this happen.
Can anyone offer a suggestion of where to start?


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