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Re: RE: PLEASE HELP: SAX events and CDATA problem when using transformation chaining

2003-04-07 07:04:07

  <description>&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;MY TEST&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;</description>

That is exactly equivalent to the version using CDATA marked section.
So why is this output a problem? It should be the same kind of thing as
if attribute quotes change from a="b" to a='b' it is just a difference
at the surface syntax, not in the underlying result tree.

Like all features of xsl:output,  cdata-section-elements="description"
is only a hint to the serialiser, which may be ignored, and in
particular if you pass the result tree directly as a tree to another
process, then this XSLt process will not serialise the tree at all, and
so all these hints will not be used.


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