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Re: xsl:with-param

2003-06-16 03:13:58
From: "Dimitre Novatchev" <dnovatchev(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com>
Subject: [xsl] Re: xsl:with-param

In case "body" is not the top element (the child of "/"), probably a
template that was instantiated for one of its ancestors didn't have an
xsl:param named "wit".

Then "the chain is broken" ... this template cannot pass a parameter it
doesn't know about.

Yup! This is exactly what the problem was.  (Mainly the difference
between '/' and the top element 'foo' in this case.) Made sure each
element down the tree passes on the value of the param and it now
works perfectly.

You haven't shown us the sml.source and the other templates that are part of
the transformation, so one can only provide a guess of what is the exact
reason for the reported behaviour.

You guessed correctly.   Me having a *doh* moment, of course each
apply-templates has to pass the param on from the very top down. *doh*

Many thanks Dimitre,


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