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RE: Generating PDF forms with XSLT?

2003-06-03 06:52:37
Thanks for your reply.

The easiest way is to generate an intermediate XML,
that has a virtual representation of PDF. Say a
RECTANGLE tag will represent (x, y, height, width) a
rectangle of PDF, a LINE tag will represent (x,y) a
line etc. A standard XSL that will parse the
intermediate XML will do the following 2 things
- Write the common code required for the PDF.
- Write the code of PDF objects like Rectangle, line

Your XML + XSL --> Intermediate XML + Standard XSL -->

Yes, what you are describing is a normal XML+XSLT to XSL-FO to PDF
generating process, but I'm wondering if it's possible to create forms
with XSL-FO, not only text-layout, but a dynamic form which can be
filled in by the user and submitted to a server, or emailed somewhere.
As far as I know, this cannot be found within the XSL-FO standard.

But I think I've found an answer to my question, iText
http://www.lowagie.com/iText/ which seems to have the possibility to
generate most of the stuff that can be found in the PDF standard.


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