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Building html links in xml

2003-12-17 09:37:23

Is it possible to build an html link into your xml, and have it rendered in
your xslt style sheet as html?

In the example below, I want to show the description for a product as a
link.  I have problems with the "<" and ">" and the "&" in the URL. If I
don't encode these characters then I get errors, as expected.  However if I
encode all of the special characters like they are supposed to be, then my
page displays the link as text, not as a link.

What do I have to do to make the display render as a link and not text.

I hope that makes sense.

<product page="1" expand="0x00793820" parent="501">
onclick='top.checkClickFlag();'>MAX ArtistsÂ? Oil Colors</a></description>
 <subproduct parent="501">
  <description>37 ml. Tubes</description>
 <subproduct parent="501">
  <description>150 ml. Tube</description>


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