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Re: variable question

2004-11-10 15:00:19
Hi Bruce,

I haven't been following this thread, just saw my name mentioned...

Wendell said:
Maybe Mike or Jeni or someone can suggest an easier way to do this in
XSLT 2.0.

There isn't any way of dynamically evaluating strings as XPaths in
XSLT 2.0 -- you still have to generate the stylesheet to do it. But of
course, if you're using Saxon you can use the saxon:evaluate()
extension function.

Maybe use a key?

I'm confused (again!). I'm basically trying to rework some of my
code, in part based around Geert's suggestions, but I can't really
see how to do what I'm wanting to do (which is to be able to work on
content from external files). It seems, for example, that I cannot
use a key on content I want to access via the doc function.

        <xsl:variable name="bibrecord" select="doc(concat('bib-data/',
$bibkey, '.mods'))" />
        <xsl:key name="biblio" match="$bibrecord//mods:mods" use="@ID" />

The document that's searched when you call the key() function is the
current document at the time of the call. So you should do:

<xsl:key name="biblio" match="mods:mods" use="@ID" />

and then something along the lines of:

<xsl:for-each select="$bibrecord/key('biblio', $bibkey)">

though I think that you need $bibkey to be defined as:

<xsl:variable name="bibkey" select="//db:bilioref/@linkend" />

since the <biblioref> elements can occur anywhere within the (source)

Note that the path "$bibrecord/key('biblio', $bibkey)" is newly
allowed in XPath 2.0, and makes searching documents using keys a whole
lot easier than it used to be.



Jeni Tennison

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