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RE: Schema aware transformations

2005-06-22 14:54:56
The problem here is that template match="schema-element(abc)" gets
rejected by the non-SA processor.

Yes. I think you have to go into schema-aware processing wholeheartedly to
get the benefits. It's not really something you can do by halves.

  The leads onto some questions:

-Does the SA processor require a source schema for every 
transform (when
using schema-element() etc)?

No, a schema-aware processor can handle both typed and untyped input

-Is it possible to store the validated source (the PSVI?) and supply
that for subsequent transforms?

Watch this space....

Other than the 2.0 spec, are there any good resources out there for SA

There's a chapter in my book, but it was written before I had any real
practical experience to share. So the answer is, very little. I've been
meaning for a while to write some articles on the subject. I have given a
few talks (the next one is in Prague on Saturday, but I think they're

Michael Kay

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