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Re: Core Dump running xsltproc

2005-10-06 07:24:21
On 10/6/05, Paul Moloney <paul_moloney(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
I hope someone can help me, I'm a relative newbie to this.

Just curious, did you realize that you were emailing a list on the
general workings of XSLT and not a xsltproc-specific list?  I know
that this page http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/bugs.html for some reason has
our list on top and the libxslt archive on the bottom.  *shrugs* 
There's just been one or two others recently that have seemed to make
that mistake.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";



</xsl:stylesheet> ===============================================

All your stylesheet does is import another stylesheet.  And Docbook
one on top of that.  It's going to be darn hard to to figure that out.

Did a quick run against my own system and xsltproc fails there too as
does Saxon 8.  Saxon 6.5 works ok.  I do recall this being mentioned
somwhere on the docbook site that the versions aren't XSLT 2
compatible.  I didn't think xsltproc was, but perhaps there is another

Maybe try with the older version of docbook as used in the tutorial
you're reading.

Jon Gorman

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