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Re: [xsl] Option mystery

2006-12-14 07:43:56

I understood a part of the problem,
that choose is in the for-each block:
<xsl:for-each select="$tier/option">
   <xsl:when test="$tier/option[condition1]">   <----- bug: I removed
that "$tier/option[]"
   <xsl:when test="$alternate-tier/option[condition1]">
As soon as I removed that "$tier/option[]", it started working.
The funny thing is that it was in production for 2 years - hidden bug...

But is it technically legitimate to have "$alternate-tier/option[]" in
the second xsl:when block ?
Looks like if similar node exists in parallel tree and matches same
conditions, it sets it's value to "N/A".
Hmm, I am not sure. What do you think ?

Thank you,

On 12/13/06, Michael Kay <mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> wrote:
> <xsl:choose>
>   <xsl:when test="$tier/option[option-num=$cur-option-num and
> @rate-increase='true']">
>     <option rate-increase="{(_at_)rate-increase}">
>        <debug1>branch1</debug1>
>         ...other elements
>      </option>
>    </xsl:when>
> </xsl:choose>
> A few questions regarding snippet:
> 1) is that "option" a predefined XSLT1.0 construct / keyword
> / operation ?

If you mean the option written as "<option rate-increase..." then it is a
literal result element: an element to be copied to the result.

> I can't find any in the XSLT book.

Look in the index under "literal result element".
> 2) the bug I am trying to fix is that somehow on exit I am
> getting a node with <option rate-increase="false"> (that
> debug1=branch1 and
> option-num=1).  How is that possible ?   That "branch1" is unique and
> can't come from any other place. How can that expression
> inside [] fail ?

Perhaps you're confused because the predicate can only return true if
@rate-increase is "true", whereas the value that's output is "false". But
the two occurrences of @rate-option are evaluated with different context
nodes, so you're looking at two different attributes.

Michael Kay

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