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Re: [xsl] Test scripts for style sheets

2006-12-15 04:43:18
Colin Paul Adams wrote:

"Florent" == Florent Georges writes:

  Hi Colin

    Florent> you are interested, you can download them from:

    Florent>     http://www.fgeorges.org/xslt-unit/xslt-unit.tar.gz

    Florent>   It is for XSLT 2.0.  Take care it is a work in
    Florent> progress.  As for now, I think there is still a
    Florent> dependency on Saxon.

What's the remaining dependency?

  I added some type information about the result of the test and the
expected result.  I first took the info from a Saxon extension.  I just
rewrote that to use the extension only if available.

  There was still one use of the namespace axis too, that I removed.

I know there is a requirement for the XSLT processor to provide an
extension function to run a transformation.

  Yes, but only in the driver, so it is not blocking.  BTW, I added the
support for gexslt:transformation(), thanks for the function. 
Actually, I planed to work a little bit on XSLT Unit within the next
week, and I'd really like to add support for Gexslt.  I guess we'll
meet soon on the Gestalt ML ;-)




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