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RE: [xsl] Windows Batchfile calling Saxon - Confusion of / and \

2007-10-11 06:49:26
Michael Kay wrote:

There are unfortunately many products that accept Windows filenames in
contexts where the standards mandate a URI. I have been resisting doing
this, because I think standards conformance should outweigh minor
convenience. However, I've been dithering a little on this one recently,
because once everyone breaks a standard in the same way, they establish a
new de facto standard.

Keep resisting Michael! One of the annoying things about XML Spy is that it
creates filenames with backslashes where there should be a URI. Then, of
course, it accepts them. So anyone who doesn't test with another processor
is likely to release stuff that doesn't work. Some of us rely on tools that
do it properly for our testing.


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