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Re: [xsl] XSLT Comparison of Two Trees

2009-09-09 06:29:11
Doug Franklin wrote:

I'm getting this error:

The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error
and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.


The system cannot locate the resource specified.

First of all I would not start with running the XSLT transformation in the browser but rather first test it with an XSLT processor you can run from the command line or within an IDE so that you can actually see the transformation result and get better error reporting. The stylesheet I wrote outputs an XML fragment as I did not know which format you want and I simply focussed on presenting the XPath expressions to select the added/deleted/moved nodes. So you will probably want/need to adapt that stylesheet to your needs if you want to run it in a browser and have it generate HTML.

Am I failing to pull both trees in?


<xsl:param name="pv" select="'previous.xml'"/>

This parameter should set the URL of the XML document with the previous codes.


        Martin Honnen

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