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Re: [xsl] Kleene Operators

2010-03-01 11:13:28
Hi Terry,

At 08:38 PM 2/28/2010, you wrote:
I am lucky to have an adjunct teaching job at RIT teaching xml and xsl and started to think about the questions they might ask me about why do we use *,+,? and wondered if there was some really good answer rather than the operators result in a closed set.

My answer would be simply that they are mathematically well defined, have been demonstrated to be useful (striking a balance between complexity and capability), and consequently are widely understood among developers.

I'd leave the deeper points to the followup questions. In my work -- note that I frequently find myself teaching to students who don't have CS or even computer programming backgrounds -- I find that these can lead in any number of directions. (At least in an academic context. And indeed, not having a CS background or even being a "programmer" myself, I'm happy to point them to resources in logic or CS if that's where they want to go, or if not to keep to fields where I feel more at home, such as semiotics or media theory.)


Wendell Piez                            
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