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Re: [xsl] Selecting the node which have child without repition

2010-11-18 16:27:18
I see three problems with the current expression, based on your
requirements.  First, you want to filter out those <b> elements that
match preceding <b>s, rather than following <b>s.  Second, it only
looks at siblings, but the second group of <b>s aren't siblings of the
first group.  Last, you really only want to filter out a <b> if the
preceding <b> that it matches has a <c> child, otherwise it would not
have been selected.

Given all that, try something like:

    //b[child::c][not(./@name=(preceding-sibling::b[child::c]/@name |

-Brandon :)

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Rashi Bhardwaj
<rashi(_dot_)bhardwaj(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
Hi all,

I am facing a problem while selecting a node through xpath....please help me 

Here is the input xml

   <b name ='1'></b>
   <b name ='2'></b>
   <b name ='3'>
   <b name ='4'>
  <b name ='1'></b>
  <b name ='2'>
  <b name ='3'></b>
  <b name ='4'>


b name="3"
b name="4"
b name="2"
b name="4"

What I want is to select all 'b' that have child 'c', provide the 'b'
with same '@name' which are selected first should not be selected

Desired output:

b name="3"
b name="4"
b name="2"

As b with @name = 4 has already been searched, it should not come
again in search.

Please help me .....thanks a lott....


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