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Re: [xsl] curly braces in attributes

2012-04-20 16:39:54
Double the curlies to escape them:

delete dir="${{basedir}}/target" />

Michael Kay

On 20/04/2012 22:27, Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
I am trying to generate xml that contains attributes with with curly braces.
My style sheet has something like:

         <target name="clean">
              <delete dir="${basedir}/target" />

The results I am getting now is:

     <target name="clean">
         <delete dir="$/target"/>

I am expecting the same to output the same text. I tried to use
<xsl:text>  and CDATA. The only way I was able to get the output I
needed is using CDATA inside<xsl:text>  for the parts,
I need to output unchanged and unescaped.

Is there a better to disable expression evaluation. Thank you.

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