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Re: [xsl] Output < and > in the attribute from the style sheet

2012-04-21 06:15:20
Mansour Al Akeel wrote:
In on of the sheets I am working on there is the sign ">" in on of the
attributes. I am trying to get this in the resulting XML.
So I have this in my template:

                <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
                        <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.6.4"
conf="provided->*" />
                        <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" 
conf="compile->*" />
                        <dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.16"
                        <exclude module="jmxri" />
                        <exclude module="jmxtools" />
                        <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.8" 
conf="test->*" />
                        <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="javax.servlet-api"
rev="3.0.1" conf="provided->*">
                        <artifact name="javax.servlet-api" type="jar" />

I am using text and CDATA, as you can see in my style sheet.
Is there a better way to output this without escaping the XML and
generate the indented XML ?

Well the '>' sign does not need to be escaped but often is. So I don't see any problem with doing

                             <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" 
conf="provided->*" />
                             <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" 
conf="compile->*" />
                             <dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.16"
conf="compile->*,!sources,!javadoc" >
                             <exclude module="jmxri" />
                             <exclude module="jmxtools" />
                             <dependency org="junit" name="junit" rev="4.8" 
conf="test->*" />
                             <dependency org="javax.servlet" 
rev="3.0.1" conf="provided->*">
                             <artifact name="javax.servlet-api" type="jar" />

literally in your stylesheet code, the serializer might later escape the '>' signs '&gt;'.

If you want to use less than signs '<' then you need to escape them e.g
  <foo att="a &lt; b"/>
that is an XML syntax requirement and not specific to XSLT.


        Martin Honnen --- MVP Data Platform Development

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