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Re: [xsl] Are there any free, fully-compliant XSLT/XPath 3.0 processors?

2013-01-27 04:54:29

I've got access to a poll tool ... feel free to forward me questions
offlist and I will setup.

unsure what you going on about insulting terms/delineation e.g. was it
age ? nontechie versus techie ? perhaps its because I dont live in
UK/USA for almost a decade and losing my 'correctness' chip ????


On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 9:23 AM, davep <davep(_at_)dpawson(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> 

Slightly different tack.

If we have 100 people in the world using XSLT. How many
are restricted to XSLT 1.0 for some reason.
How many require 2.0 for technical capability and use its features
Have decided to move to 3.0 because....

I looked at free survey tools, they mainly restrict to < 100 entries.

If anyone has access to such a tool it would make for an interesting set of
more so with well thought out questions lacking bias.

Agreed 3.0 is CR, but my guess is that users will look at it and perhaps use
content, but the number using it seriously? Of my 100 users, perhaps 2.
I shan't use Jims rather insulting terms to delineate users.

If 2.0 is currently drawing 10 or 20 users I'd be surprised.
IMHO 3.0 has rolled 180 degrees from the one man xslt 1.0 effort and is now
proverbial horse designed by committee.



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