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Re: [xsl] Best Way to Select Following Elements With An Ancestor?

2014-03-22 08:18:31
On 22/03/2014 12:46, Eliot Kimber wrote

I have a document where each child of the root element establishes a
unique content with regard to the output result (in this case,
corresponding to InDesign frames).

For a given descendant of one of these elements I need to know if there
are any following elements within the same context. So simply doing
following::* won't work and the following elements I'm checking for need
not be siblings of the current element.

The solution I arrived at is:

<xsl:variable name="myDitaAncestor" select="ancestor::dita"

     <xsl:variable name="followingWithinDita" as="element()*"
   select="following::*[count(ancestor::dita | $myDitaAncestor) = 1]"

This works but I'm wondering if there's a better solution, either one that
is more efficient or one that is more elegant?

well if you know there's a dita acestor,

count(ancestor::dita | $myDitaAncestor) = 1

can be written

ancestor::dita is $myDitaAncestor

you could also do

following::* union $myDitaAncestor//*

but I'd guess that's less efficient.

Something tells me you should be using a key, but keying the dita elements on all its descendents sounds a bit expensive.

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