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Re: [xsl] dangling attribute creation (was Re: [xsl] When to use text())

2014-04-26 13:22:37

I've looked back in the thread to see if there was a definition of "dangling 
attribute creation", and it appears not.

The original example was a template that matched an element and returned an 
attribute. That's certainly a risky thing to do.

Your example, a template that matches an attribute and returns an attribute, is 
much safer.

Michael Kay

On 26 Apr 2014, at 18:24, Ihe Onwuka <ihe(_dot_)onwuka(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> 

Suppose you have a file in which attribute values are in French but
their English translation appears in brackets.

<a title="Bonjour Monsieur (Hello sir)"/>
<b name="Francis (Francois)"/>
<c term="no subtitle"/>

I call the thing in brackets the subtitle.

Here is a stylesheet that replace all attributes  with it's subtitle
if there is one.


 <xsl:import href="identity.xsl"/>
 <xsl:output indent="yes" method="xml"/>

 <xsl:template match="@*[contains(.,'(')]">
   <xsl:attribute name="{local-name()}" select="tokenize(.,'[()]')[2]"/>


Exercise for the reader to accomplish same without the dangling
attribute (I'm not saying it can't be done).

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 5:32 PM, Ihe Onwuka 
<ihe(_dot_)onwuka(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Andrew Welch 
<andrew(_dot_)j(_dot_)welch(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong but couldn't you say the same thing over each
and every application of xsl:attribute-set

No - how would it be possible to cause a similar exception using
attribute-sets?   An example of what you mean would help here.

Now that I look at the syntax it may not be.

It's an anti-pattern.

Yes I'm sure there's another way of achieving  the same thing but I'd
rather be anti-pattern than anti-declarative.

?  It's not "anti-declarative" (actually I can't say that it isn't
because I don't know what that is)  It's just a common mistake.

You cannot say it's a mistake.

It's a trade-off and when considering which evil you elect for you do
a little risk analysis.

What is the likelihood of events that would lead to an exception
occurring, how calamitous would it be if it did occur, how hard and
costly and time consuming is it to implement and roll out the fix.

Also if you are  am not doing big object oriented software engineering
you don't have to live by that  bible.

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