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Re: [xsl] generating Office Open XML parts using xslt

2014-07-24 21:06:24
On 07/24/2014 08:02 PM, Paul Tyson phtyson(_at_)sbcglobal(_dot_)net wrote:
Does anyone know of success stories in generating Office Open XML 
artifacts using XSLT?

(This is the "open" format used by Microsoft Office since 2007, 
standardized in ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA-376.)

I am looking for pointers to solid documentation of namespaces and 
package structure, particularly for SpreadsheetML (Microsoft's .xlsx 
format) as used in Excel 2007.

I have generated Word/XML documents, but not Excel ones.

It is simplest when there is an existing Word document that conforms to
a style template; such a .docx file can be unzipped and gutted, new
content generated that uses the template, and the resulting directory
zipped back up again.  Generating the complete .docx structure de novo
is more difficult.

This likely applies to Excel Office Open files as well, but I can’t say
for certain.

Chris Maden, text nerd  <URL: http://crism.maden.org/ >
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