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Re: [xsl] Getting text and non-block nodes before any block nodes

2014-09-12 19:10:05
At 2014-09-12 21:50 +0000, Eliot Kimber ekimber(_at_)contrext(_dot_)com wrote:
I think this is an FAQ but my situation may be slightly different. In any
case, if it's an FAQ, maybe my asking it will help.

This is in a DITA context, where I can know for any element whether it is
a block or not a block (because in DITA all elements have a base type that
is inherently block or not block).

I have the situation where a wrapper element may contain any combination
of text, non-block elements, or block elements.

I need to find either all the nodes up to the first block or determine
that there are none and get the first block.

I think this will work:

  select="node()[. << current()/*[lc:isBlock(.)][1]"

But it is XSLT 2.0 only.

For XSLT 1.0 I might do something like:

  select="node()[generate-id(following-sibling::*[lc:isBlock(.)][1]) =

Where the lc:isBlock() function returns true if the element provided is a
DITA block element.

This seems to pass all my tests but I'm wondering if there's a better way
to make this check?

I also realized that I can use the $textBeforeBlocks variable to then
process any remaining blocks (because I will have already output the text
before blocks):

<xsl:when test="$hasTextBeforeBlocks">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="node() except($textBeforeBlocks)"/>

That includes the block element ... you might try using ">>" in a way similar to how I used "<<" above if you didn't want to include the block element itself.

I hope this helps!

. . . . . . Ken

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