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[xsl] How would I instal libexlt extension on Unix also how do perform current date and time functions

2014-10-30 08:44:31
How would I install this date extension software and is it available for 
use on a Unix box.

Person that installed xslt proce on Unix only installed it with following. 
 So I have no date commands.

        Version installed:  libxslt-1.1.28-2 

1)  How do we install and use the extended date commands using libexslt. 
Have been searching on the web to find out how to format dates and how to 
get following information
        A)  Get current date in following format YYYYMMDD
        B)  Need to get the current time (just the hour and minutes from 
the current time).  They can be in separate fields.

Catherine Wilbur  |  Senior Application Programmer  |  IT Services
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor ON Canada  N9B 3P4
(T) 519.253.3000 Ext. 2745  |  (F) 519.973.7083  |  (E) 
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  • [xsl] How would I instal libexlt extension on Unix also how do perform current date and time functions, Catherine Wilbur cwilbur(_at_)uwindsor(_dot_)ca <=