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Re: [xsl] Fw: Saxon java call works in my script but get an error when trying to submit same script from a cron job - how do I fix this error ?

2015-03-04 10:55:11
Your cron apparently is accessing a different JVM than the command line process
Make sure that cron calls a java VM that is recent enough to run saxon

At 17:40 4/03/2015, you wrote:
Have a script that runs my Saxon java call  as shown below without a problem

java -cp $SAXON_JAR net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:$FinesrvDataDir/Library_Invoice_Interface.xml -xsl:$FinesrvCronDir/LibrXML2CSV_stylesheet.xsl -o:$FinesrvDataDir/Library_Invoice_Interface.csv

When we take this script and put it in a cron to submit the script at a scheduled time we get the following error. Does anyone know what I do in the cron script to fix the problem. Here is infornation that gets dumped from cron script.

/usr/local/finesrv/erp/jdedwardsoneworld/cron/Saxon/saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:/usr/local/finesrv/erp/jdedwardsoneworld/FABS/DATA/LibrVouch/Library_Invoice_Interface.xml -xsl:/usr/local/finesrv/erp/jdedwardsoneworld/cron/LibrXML2CSV_stylesheet.xsl -o:/usr/local/finesrv/erp/jdedwardsoneworld/FABS/DATA/LibrVouch/Library_Invoice_Interface.csv The java class could not be loaded. java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/sf/saxon/Transform (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
SQL Completed - NO Library A/P Data was loaded

How do we fix the problem.

Catherine Wilbur  |  Senior Application Programmer  |  IT Services
401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor ON Canada  N9B 3P4
(T) 519.253.3000 Ext. 2745  |  (F) 519.973.7083  |  (E) 
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