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Re: [xsl] selecting specific elements from a second file

2016-12-17 09:31:41
Hi Martin,
Sorry again, it has been some time since I posted. Saxon, version 2 -- I sent a follow up with the stylesheet so far.
I will try what you have written.

On 12/17/2016 8:27 AM, Martin Honnen martin(_dot_)honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de 
On 17.12.2016 16:19, Mark Wilson mark(_at_)knihtisk(_dot_)org wrote:
I want to select elements from the second file to add to the first file
when their @pofis-number match (in this instance 2966 has a match, 2967
does not.

Well, which XSLT processor do you use, which XSLT version?

With XSLT 2.0 you could define a key

<xsl:key name="flaws" match="Flaws" use="@pofis-number"/>

and then write a template

<xsl:template match="Stamp">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*, node(), key('flaws', @pofis-number, doc('file2.xml'))/node()"/>

together with identity transformation template (or XSLT 3.0 xsl:node on-no-match="shallow-copy").

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