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[xsl] [ANN] Call for Late-breaking News -- Balisage: The Markup Conference 2021

2021-05-18 10:26:30
It is not too late for you to speak at Balisage!

The peer-reviewed part of the Balisage 2021 program has been
scheduled (https://www.balisage.net/2021/Program.html). The Markup
world moves quickly, so every year some speaking slots are set aside
for late-breaking news, updates, and fast-breaking stories.

The time is now. Proposals for late-breaking presentations at
Balisage are due June 4th. Details here:


Your proposal should be either:

a) really late-breaking (it reports on something that happened in
the last month or two) or

b) a well-developed paper, an extended paper proposal, or a very long
abstract with references on a topic related to Markup and not
already on the 2021 conference program.

The competition for late-breaking slots is fierce, so start working
on your late-breaking proposal today!

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2021                                           
August 2 - 6, 2021                                                              
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  • [xsl] [ANN] Call for Late-breaking News -- Balisage: The Markup Conference 2021, B Tommie Usdin btusdin(_at_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com <=