cvs-kwstrip - Strip CVS keyword delimiters.


cvs-kwstrip - Strip CVS keyword delimiters.


  cvs-kwstrip [options] file


This program strips out CVS keywords, but leaves behind the contents of the keywords. For example,

  $XXX: Some text $

would be converted to,

  Some text

where XXX is one of the following CVS keywords: Author Date Header Id Name Locker Log RCSfile Revision Source State.

The special non-CVS keyword of $CurrentDate$ will be replaced with the current GMT date.

If no input files are specified, input is read from standard input. All output goes to standard out.



Display help message.


Display manpage.


The CVS keyword Name value will be treated as a product version number. Hyphens, '-'s, will be translated to '.'s and any non-numeric character will be stripped.


$Id: cvs-kwstrip,v 1.4 2002/07/31 04:20:14 ehood Exp $


Earl Hood,

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY and may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

 cvs-kwstrip - Strip CVS keyword delimiters.