Last Updated: $Date: 2002/09/28 05:06:31 $


[mharc Logo]

 What is mharc?

mharc is part of the MHonArc Project. mharc is a collection of Perl scripts for generating and managing web-based searchable mail archives.

A typical problem with setting up web-based mail archives is trying dealing with the configuration of the various tools available. For example, MHonArc does not provide any built-in searching, so you have to configure a search engine and then customize MHonArc's page layout to include the search form within archive pages.

Many administrators have created their own set of scripts to integrate various tools together for their mail archives. Well, mharc exists to eliminate this replication of work by providing a set of scripts that integrate popular free software tools in order to provide a robust and usable set of mail archives. mharc provides the following:

mharc configuration is driven by simple editable configuration files. You do not need to become a master with Procmail recipes or learn how to invoke and configure a search engine. Also, the default page layout of the mail archives provides nicely formatted pages that improve readability; easy, but powerful, archive navigation; and a stylesheet to control the visual appearance of pages; eliminating the need to define numerous MHonArc resources (but you still can if you really want to).


mharc is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

You can download mharc from the following locations:

CVS Access

Anonymous CVS access is available at <>.



$Date: 2002/09/28 05:06:31 $
Earl Hood,