We have a server hosting 8 domains, 4 of which have postfix virtual mail
accounts . Our server is jubilee and its domain name is /example.com/.
if i do "hostname" - "jubilee.example.com" is returned.
These virtual domains each have their own dkim keys but our server
jubilee/.example.com /does not. When we send mail from one of these
virtual domains, a dkim key appears to be attached, however the header
shows the received from to be jubilee/.example.com and not kxxx.co.uk/
What should we have in our TrustedHosts apart from
port 25 says - "not internal" "not authenticated".
the message from port 25 only refers to jubilee and not jubilee.example.com
Could the problem be with our postfix setup rather than dkim in that our
mail doesnt show the correct info on the header?
All suggestions gratefully received.
the response from elandsys.com is below
Original message:
Received: from jubilee./example.com/ (jubilee./example.com/ [8xx.2xx.1xx.1xx])
by mx.elandsys.com (8.14.5/8.14.5) with ESMTP id r9LDUYd7000288
(version=TLSv1/SSLv3 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA bits=256 verify=NO)
for<autorespond+dkim(_at_)dk(_dot_)elandsys(_dot_)com>; Mon, 21 Oct
2013 06:30:42 -0700 (PDT)
Authentication-Results: mx.elandsys.com; dkim=permerror
reason="key not found"
header.b=RMO4yc/Y; dkim-adsp=none (unprotected policy)
Received: from [] (host86-173-255-49.range86-173.btcentralplus.com
(using TLSv1 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits))
(No client certificate requested)
by jubilee..com (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id 1CB83104025D
for<autorespond+dkim(_at_)dk(_dot_)elandsys(_dot_)com>; Mon, 21 Oct
2013 14:30:29 +0100 (BST)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=kxxxx.co.uk;
s=default; t=1382362229;
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